Gleditsia triacanthos | Tree of the year 2023
The honey locust or Gleditsia triacanthos with its whimsical and open crown is a beautiful appearance in any project or park. In addition, this species has a great attraction for bees. That is why we rightly call this a bee-friendly tree. Because this species has been voted ‘Tree of the Year 2023’ by readers of the magazines De Boomkwekerij en Tuin + Landschap, we would like to add an article. At the beginning of this year, LTO Nederland chose the theme ‘Trees with open crowns’. Increasing crown cover in the urban area is important, but local residents also attach great importance to direct sunlight. A transparent crown is also favorable for the under vegetation.
Origin: The Northeast and Central United States
Usage: Sets low demands on the soil; resistant to drought, road salt and air pollution (therefore it occurs on climate tree lists); at Gleditsia branch mortality often occurs, especially the first years after planting; with the exception of a gall midge that deforms the young leaves, little suffering from diseases; slightly needy tree species; in windy places and especially on rich soils, branch breakage occurs due to the enormous shoot development; backing pruning is necessary, because Gleditsia is difficult to form a through spindle; they can be completely ‘when planting ‘be put bare ‘; spring pruning can cause bleeding; beautiful park, avenue and street tree, also usable in the pavement; in pedestrian areas we recommend applying unfinished selections.
Some cultivars that we grow in a row:
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis
Thornless shape of the species; also has the characteristics of the species; when sowing Gleditsias, part of the offspring is thornless.
Gleditsia triac. ‘Shademaster’
Cultivar with broad upright crown; no thorns, dark green leaves.
Gleditsia triac. ‘Skyline’
Cultivar with a continuous head; pyramidal growth habit; street tree, park tree.
Gleditsia triac. ‘Sunburst’
Young growth is yellow, later yellow-green; few thorns, grows less vigorous than the species; after plants often have some problems with catching on; park tree.